KJLY Kinship Christian Radio

KJLY Kinship Christian Radio

There have been many who have found Christian radio to be an effective way to reach people daily with the message and encouragement of Jesus Christ. With the establishment of KJLY in November of 1983, many people across Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa have experienced this firsthand. Unchanging through the years has been the KJLY commitment to be a channel of the Word of God that faithfully proclaims "Jesus is Lord"!Situated just to the north of Interstate 90 in Blue Earth, Minnesota, the station is visible to thousands of travelers who pass by in the course of a year's time. The existence of the station is made even more visual by the bold proclamation in neon letters on the 500 foot tower that "Jesus is Lord". Yet, with all of it's visual beauty and impact, the ministry of KJLY resides in it's sound. Over 500,000 people are now able to receive KJLY Christian radio, with it's teaching, encouragement, challenge and comfort, 24-hours a day.