Ran FM

Ran FM

Me Obe Hadawathai

Ran FM is a leading Sinhala radio station that plays a unique blend of the '70s, '80s, and ‘90s music. Frequencies: 102.2 FM Western; 101.3 FM North/Central; 95 FM Southern; 104.5 FM Sabaragamuwa; and 91.5 FM Uva. Ran FM is a leading Sinhala radio station that plays a unique blend of the '70s, '80s, and ‘90s music. The station is broadcast throughout the country on the following frequencies: 102.2 FM Western; 101.3 FM North/Central; 95 FM Southern; 104.5 FM Sabaragamuwa; and 91.5 FM Uva. Ran FM is also broadcast online via www.ranfm.lk.
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