Faith and Tech Bytes with Amy Lynn

Faith and Tech Bytes with Amy Lynn

I have a unique way of looking at things and I'd like to share that view with you. I believe technology and faith have a lot in common and I can teach both at the same time during one little byte. Join me today and find out how.
Visibility Matters

Visibility Matters

While technology is great, and our phones can ping cell towers to tell emergency responders our location it's not foolproof. It is crucial for emergency services, postal workers, and delivery personnel from companies like Grubhub and DoorDash to locate your residence quickly and accurately. Ensure your house numbers are clearly visible either on your home or mailbox or even both. I encourage you to share this information with your community, as it could be vital in saving lives, so much so that I didn't just make this a podcast but a social media posting for all to have access to. As for the faith side of this podcast, the song "This Little Light of Mine" serves as a poignant reminder that one should not conceal their faith. This principle applies universally, regardless of one's religious affiliations. Everyone should feel empowered to practice their faith openly. Matthew 5:14-16 "You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven". Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: Visit our website at:

3 mars 2025 - 02 min 43 sek

Downfall of VPN's

Downfall of VPN's

There are a lot of people and companies promoting VPN's for privacy. But there are a lot of online companies that don't accept users who use VPN's.  While VPN's may help with cybersecurity, they may end up creating you a nightmare. Now you may be asking what does this have to do with faith?  Simple.  These VPN's or Proxies are digital masks you wear online. People have been known to wear masks online and off.  They may be pretending to be something they aren't. They are either lying to the world or lying to themselves. Walter Scott said, "O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!" Leviticus 19:11: "You shall not steal. You shall not deceive or speak falsely to one another." Resources: Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: Visit our website at:

17 feb. 2025 - 02 min 54 sek

Cleaning Up

Cleaning Up

The new year everyone tries to start it off right. But while you are focusing on either your mental health, or your physical appearance don't forget about the well-being of your technology and spiritual life. When was the last time you wiped down your keyboard, screen, or your mouse? I even used canned air to clean out the inside of my mouse because I couldn't remember the last time I did that.  Don't forget to wipe down your remotes too! As for faith, you could start fresh with the goal to read the whole bible in a year.  I did this a few times with several different versions. I didn't really think it would be possible but it is. Jeremiah 29:11 - “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: Visit our website at:

3 feb. 2025 - 02 min 16 sek

Combination Show 2

Combination Show 2

This is a combination of shows: Everything is Going to Let You Down Everything Old is New Again Why Does Every Victory Come with a Price People Pleaser Perfectly Imperfect Say What? Change is Hard Boundaries Who's The Boss? Is That Really You? Getting Organized Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: Visit our website at:

20 jan. 2025 - 19 min 08 sek

Getting Organized

Getting Organized

Getting yourself organized is a lot easier with tech than you think.  It takes determination and disciple to be organized. It doesn't "just happen." But technology can help you set schedules and time limits for things you set your mind to doing. Getting organized in faith takes time too. Finding the time to pray, finding the time to read the bible, finding the time to go to church. Asking God for help to be more organized is a start. Don't pressure yourself or give up. 1 Corinthians 14:40 - "But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way." Resource: Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: Visit our website at:

6 jan. 2025 - 02 min 28 sek

Is That Really You?

Is That Really You?

Long before we had caller ID on our phones we had to take our chances that the person calling was who they said they were.  And long before we had email, everyone use to snail mail. We would have to take our chances then as well that the mail we got was from a legitimate source. Now with AI, we are once again left wondering if that person we are hearing is who we think they are. The Bible actually has a lot to say about scams, liars, tricksters and the like. There have been many false witnesses and false prophets. This is why we need to pray for wisdom, truth and understanding. Proverbs 14:15 - The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps. Resource : Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: Visit our website at:

23 des. 2024 - 02 min 19 sek

Who's The Boss?

Who's The Boss?

Many feel that technology slows them down. This could be because they are allowing tech to become a distraction, instead of them controlling the technology. No one has to answer the phone or the texts when they come in and the same with emails. While it's okay to take control over our lives when it comes to technology, the Bible teaches us to be careful of a controlling spirit. The manipulators in our lives. Controlling people will often use emotional trickery to get their victims to do what they want. This podcast goes hand in hand with my last episode titled "Boundaries." God will guide us if we let him. Many are impatient and take action before God has given his answer. That's when we take control over our own lives instead of God. 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control". Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: Visit our website at:

9 des. 2024 - 02 min 24 sek



Some places seem to think people don't have lives, a family, or a business that they maintain. Let's just drop more on your "to do list." This is about boundaries. This is about respecting those boundaries and setting up them if you don't have them.  It's about saying the word NO.  You need to decide what is important to you.  What on your "to do" list can wait and what can't. In regards to tech, you may have to say the word "No" to yourself from time to time, or your kids. Example social media time, no cellphones at the dinner table, timeouts, and family time. Like when you go to the theater and it asks you to silence your phone. The Bible says a lot about respect and boundaries. There is a lot in the old and the new testament.  Many of the teachings of Christ have him addressing this very issue.  That's how important it is to figure out what your boundaries are and then stand by them. Proverbs 25:28 - "A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls." Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: Visit our website at:

25 nov. 2024 - 02 min 29 sek

Change Is Hard

Change Is Hard

Chrome browser recently did an update and I wrote about how to fix it in my blog. Adjusting after all these years to a strange icon can be very hard to do. Change is hard but it doesn't have to be and it doesn't have to be done alone. The same thing can happen when you discover faith, salvation, or religion of any kind. Adjusting to let's call it "terms of service." Adjusting your behavior or outlook can be quite a difficult task. It can feel daunting or overwhelming. It takes time and focus. Don't give up, there is help out there. Isaiah 43:19 says "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Resources: Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: Visit our website at:

11 nov. 2024 - 01 min 47 sek

Say What?

Say What?

Have you ever had a friend who spoke to you more about their friends than sharing anything about themselves? The simple fact is if they are talking about someone else, they are most certainty talking about YOU. And what does this have to do with tech? Well it's called privacy and cybersecurity.  What are your devices telling about you?  Also if you want to keep track of your personal information you can set up free Google Alerts or Talk Walker alerts. Take control of your privacy today before someone exposes you in a way you don't want. I'll link to several resources in the about section of this podcast. 2 Corinthians 12:20 For I am afraid that when I come I may not find you as I want you to be, and you may not find me as you want me to be. I fear that there may be discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, slander, gossip, arrogance and disorder. Resources: Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: Visit our website at:

28 okt. 2024 - 02 min 15 sek