Ran FM

Ran FM

Me Obe Hadawathai

Ran FM is a leading Sinhala radio station that plays a unique blend of the '70s, '80s, and ‘90s music. Frequencies: 102.2 FM Western; 101.3 FM North/Central; 95 FM Southern; 104.5 FM Sabaragamuwa; and 91.5 FM Uva. Ran FM is a leading Sinhala radio station that plays a unique blend of the '70s, '80s, and ‘90s music. The station is broadcast throughout the country on the following frequencies: 102.2 FM Western; 101.3 FM North/Central; 95 FM Southern; 104.5 FM Sabaragamuwa; and 91.5 FM Uva. Ran FM is also broadcast online via www.ranfm.lk.
इस स्टेशन के इन्टरनेट का रेडियो तक पहुंच उपलब्ध नहीं है या यह कोई भी प्रदान नहीं करता है